Getting to Know You(Tube)
It’s time again for our biannual Getting to Know You(Tube) event where three presenters give 20-minute presentations about their favorite YouTube rabbit holes. The series was created by artists Crystal Baxley and Stefan Ransom in 2011 and was at one time a monthly event at the Hollywood Theater. Boathouse Microcinema is proud to be keeping this old Portland tradition alive!
Tonight’s presenters will be:
Zack Fleming
Kacy McHugh
Clamber is a photographer, filmmaker and performer based in Portland, Oregon. Clamber’s film and photography work involves archiving people and events for the long term. They have received a grant from RACC to film artists in their studios, and they frequently provide pro-bono work to queer and women-run businesses and individuals in Portland, Oregon. They will be presenting on utopias.
instagram: @_clamber_
Zackery Fleming is an American singer-songwriter, multi instrumentalist, and artist. Throughout his time recording & performing for his own, and other artists, Zackery has always encouraged and maintained a D.I.Y. ethos in production and promotion. Zackery moved from South Florida to Oregon in 2016, and currently performs in the band Lo Fives. He will be presenting on endless strings of remixes.
Kacy McHugh is a Portland based artist and writer. A graduate from The Cleveland Institute of Art. They will be presenting on item duplication glitches in video games.